Projects — Charlotte Gagnon
Charlotte Gagnon
Charlotte Gagnon
Faire défiler


Seeking to explore a variety of mediums and cultivate a coexistence of genres, Charlotte strives to further the very definition of opera—a total art form. With a desire to expand opera’s presentation methods and a continued interest in their ongoing evolution, the artist creates projects that aim to redefine our relationship with classical music and decompartmentalize genres, celebrating music in its entirety, both with humour and immersed in its beauty.



Ceux qui répondent à l’écho


Video performance and 4-song cycle for mezzo-soprano, oboe, cello, and piano, evoking the emotional and sensory relationship between humans and the natural environment.

  • Creation by Charlotte Gagnon, Alexis Cousineau, Laurence Jobidon and Gabriel Jobidon

  • Production Alexis Cousineau and Charlotte Gagnon

  • Production director Charlotte Gagnon

  • Music by Laurence Jobidon

  • Poems by Gabriel Jobidon

  • Charlotte Gagnon, mezzo-soprano

  • Lindsay Roberts, hautbois

  • Camille Paquette-Roy, cello

  • Laurence Jobidon, piano

  • Performances by Alexis Cousineau

  • Visual Direction by Yan Kaczynski

Loosely inspired by the myth of Narcissus, this work seeks to reproduce the encounter between human beings and their natural world, but from a perspective that allows us to call into question the balance of power between nature and society. Because when leaning over a pool of water to admire oneself, as Narcissus did, seeking a divine vision to reflect one’s heroism, we must first see the water and look upon it with curiosity, even if just for a few seconds. It is in this transitional window that Ceux qui répondent à l’écho finds itself: the brief period in which arrogance can give way to empathy, domination to sharing, and negligence to tenderness.

 R I T U E L - En quête du sacré


An exploration of our frantic daily lives—through dance, spoken word, slam poetry, songs, and electronic music—in the hope that, through repetition, some form of spirituality based in our automated existence can be found.

Collaborateurs :

  • Music by Charlotte Gagnon, Sarah Shin and Laurence Jobidon

  • Texts by Charlotte Gagnon

  • Charlotte Gagnon, mezzo-soprano and slam

  • Céline Richard Robichon, choreographer

  • Valmont Harnois, dancer

  • Jaleesa Coligny, dancer

  • Laurence Jobidon, piano




Lionel et Mary


Folk-tinged classical music—can it be? Absolutely! Come meet Mary—known as “La Bolduc”—and Lionel Daunais, two artists who left their mark on traditional Québécois music. In this show, Lionel tries to learn the secret of a good funny song from Mary, who has written so many hilarious tunes! They revisit a few classics, like La tourtière and J’ai un bouton su’l bout d’la langue, in surprising and original arrangements. But it’s not all as easy as that… the pianist, Miss Colombe, who prefers sonatas to rigadoons, still needs some convincing. Can she resist the pleasure of playing these lively and joyful refrains?


Opéra 101


Madame Charlotte and Madame Laurence, two musical clowns, are invited to a conference on opera, where they start off by showcasing a perfect mastery of their knowledge and talent. The goal: to introduce their audience to opera and (above all!) to foster an appreciation for the great art form. However, little by little, tongues get tongue-tied and one misunderstanding leads to another… That’s when things really kick into gear, with the audience whisked off on a joyful journey of musical revelry, enlightenment, and wordplay.


Opéra-bonbon : l’aventure gourmande d’Hansel et Gretel


This introduction to opera and operatic singing makes for a delectable show that’s as tasty as a candy treat!

Once upon a time not so (la – ti – do!) long ago, there were two cheerful singers who wanted to tell the tale of Hansel and Gretel, set to music. Their mischievous pal tried to lend them a helping hand, but he was so greedy and easily distracted that his foot—or is that candy?—would always end up in his mouth… What might they do to keep his attention on the task at hand? How about giving him an important role to play in the story? This fanciful, playful concert revisits the tale savoured by candy lovers everywhere. What better way to explore one of the most complete art forms of all: opera!






The RESPIRER program aims to help people suffering from the symptoms of long COVID by exploring the vocal and respiratory techniques used by opera singers. In collaboration with the IRCM Post-COVID-19 Research Clinic, under the direction of Dr. Emilia Liana Falcone, patients participating on a voluntary basis meet virtually twice a week for a yoga and opera singing workshop. The goal: to develop new approaches to breathing and take advantage of the benefits of singing, thereby providing patients with some relief.


Création et coordination du projet :

  • Pierre Vachon, department director

  • Charlotte Gagnon, mediator artist, mezzo-soprano and yoga teacher

  • Ariane Girard, voice teacher at the Atelier lyrique de l’Opéra de Montréal

  • Dre Falcone, Director, Unité de recherche en microbiome et défenses mucosales

  • Project endorsed by Dre Françoise Chagnon, medical advisor at the Opéra de Montréal

La Voix Harmonisée


Reducing social exclusion through the harmonization of transgender women’s voices and identity.

Opera as an agent of social inclusion

During the gender reassignment process for transgender women, only one element remains unchanged after hormone therapy: the voice. The woman is thus confronted with an inconsistency between what she embodies and what is perceived by her interlocutors.

This project is intended as a preliminary approach to voice harmonization in speech therapy. It uses the vocal techniques of opera singers to help transgender women develop better vocal control, in order for them to fully assert their feminine identity.

Project creation and coordination :

  • Pierre Vachon, director of Social impact and education department

    Charlotte Gagnon, manager of Social impact and education department, teaching artist, mezzo-soprano and yoga teacher

    Cédric Maguin, speech therapist, member of the Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologistes du Québec, Clinique Orthophonie Montréal

    Project supported by Association des Transgenres du Québec through Kim Forget-Desrosiers (she/her), psychosocial counsellor and virtual group leader / B.A Sexologie



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